2. Prof.
Hemlata Talesra to Dr.Shashi Gaikwad: Dear Madam, very informative talk. I have
one question: How Education in Human Values is essential to nourish capabilities
in the students and ultimately in society in a positive way?
3. An
effective way to promote social cohesion is by introducing ideas in the school
textbooks. How can we influence revision of NCERT textbooks to include Social
4. How
with the help of higher education and online mode, social cohesion can
practically be taught to students? Kindly give some practical examples
5. Anil
Khairnar: I am Dr. Anil Khairnar, Head of the Department, MES Abasaheb Garware
College, Pune. I have a question. Is it possible to include things about
wellness of people's in schools through government?
6. Prof.
Hemlata Talesra: The unity of the human race implies the establishment of world
commonwealth in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are closely and
permanently united. My question is for this universal system can one government
or one parliament effectively govern the whole world?
7. Prof.
Hemlata Talesra - : In online and virtual education how can we establish social
8. Prof.
Renuka M Prajapati: Today children are becoming less sensitive and have lost
emotions about various social issues, sometimes they act like a machine! In
this case how can we sensitize them about social issues? (For Dr. Sonawane)
9. Prof.
Hemlata Talesra to Prof. Jan Saeed: Dear Madam, Your presentation is very nice.
My question is how can we develop comprehensive system of education for social
cohesion, democracy and peace?
10. Antony
Margaret Gladina.S - : Moving towards 21st century learning, many schools are
only focusing on curriculum development rather than personal or personality
development. What measures can be taken to inculcate, in school authorities, the
importance of development of responsible citizens?
11. Dr.
Seema Tyagi - : In the current education system the syllabus that earlier had
inclusion of moral education is now missing in most schools. What is the plan
for inclusion of holistic education for bringing out not only educated
individuals but educated human beings with moral, ethical and those having
respect for value system in the society?
12. Mr. Vidya Sagar
Kumar: How can we promote social cohesion with proper systematic in-service
school teacher professional development program?
13. Santosh Biswakarma:
While taking online classes how can virtual honesty and respect be built among
14. MD. Ibrahim Hussain
Sheikh: What are the aims and objectives of the Education for social cohesion?
15. Dr Prasanna G
Deshmukh: How can we add "Social Cohesion" as a subject or topic
compulsory at college level which will inculcate this important issue in the minds
of all students?
16. Gary Reusche: We are facing multiple threats to our
existence. Do we wait until a catastrophe takes place, or do we start now to
increase social action for transformational change? What kind of social action
will realistically produce actual momentum for change?
17. Dr
Pradnya Ambre: How does teacher's emotional and spiritual quotient affects the
leaner's behaviour?
Answer by : Dr. Vilas Karjinni, (Principal KIT's College of Engineering, Autonomous, Kolhapur)
The question
asked is in two parts, the first part actually education is not intrinsically a
political agenda, education system imbibes and inculcates not only sound
knowledge of art, science and other profession but also universal human values,
understanding human beings, understanding co-existence, human relationships,
values and ethical human conduct, along with social cohesion. Education system
will groom the citizens to be loyal, honest and to become successful
professionals in line with the vision of the nation. The second part, yes by
incorporating value based streams of education like technologies and systems of
holistic development especially in technological fraternity, managerial skills
i.e. developing managerial skills among managers, holistic human health
resulting in health professionals which is the need of the hour post COVID I
want to say, so we can keep the education by doing this free from politics.
Thank you.
Q. 1. Transformations in curricula and Teaching Learning methodology for social cohesion
ReplyDeleteCurricula may be made credit oriented and a credit on value education may be offered. Also independent Value added courses in Human Values may be offered. These courses should incorporate factual details and real stories about social cohesion.
Group work be recommend with heterogeneity of gender, religion, race, class, etc.
Q.2. Ans. Idea of holistic education is impossible without value education. Capabilities to achieve common good are related to ultimate truth of equality, fraternity, freedom, etc. Pandemics and calamities have taught lessons of social cohesion. IT and Globalization have made the world a global village by reducing distance. It has brought peoples closer making cooperation and collaboration imperatives. This leads to social cohesion and human Values.
Q.3. Ans.
Rather than ideas factual details like stories of bravery highlighting social cohesion may be incorporated into the curricula. Study groups may be formed to work on social cohesion. Articles on the same can be written in the periodicals to propagate social cohesion. Research may be undertaken on social cohesion and training on the same may be given in the training programs like orientation and refresher courses.
Q. 4. Ans.
ReplyDeleteGroup of heterogeneity of gender, religion, race, and class may be preferred to conduct research projects. Individuals from distant places participathe in online activities. Here understanding develops among heterogeneious members. Online mode of teaching reduces distance and develops understanding and cooperation among the participants. Sharing of ideas and thoughts brings social cohesion. Further unity of target and goal enhances social cohesion.
Answers 1 to 4 are given by
ReplyDeleteProf. A. H. Pharne