Questions on Theme 2 : Economic and Developmental Dimentions

1. Question : What are your views on the Role of Religions to bring out social cohesion?

Answer by Dr. J. S. Patil, Principal, Arts and Commerce College, Nagthane Tal & Dist: Satara:

All religions have basic principle of humanity at their core. All religions play a vital role to bring out social cohesion. The tradition of religious leaders in Maharashtra is the best example of social cohesion who tried to bring pilgrims of all communities together beyond their religions, castes, sects etc. Saint Namdeo, Dnyaneshwar, Tukaram, Baba Maharaj Satarkar Vidyanandv Maharaj etc. did sincere efforts to bring the society together and to eliminate the classicism prevailing in the society.

Swami Vivekanand, Hindu Monk, told core of Hindu religion by addressing the participants as dear brothers and sisters in the World Religion Conference at Chicago. Non-violence, love, compassion, morality, neighborhood, universal brotherhood, service to mankind is service to god, kindness, gratitude, purity, chastity, sacrifice, truthfulness, patriotism etc. are the basic principles of all religions. These are good if practiced by all the people by heart.

At higher education level, social cohesion is strictly followed and inculcated by organizing various programmes where students learn social cohesion and social harmony. NCC and NSS units in the colleges mould the volunteers that they practice social equality and uniformity which enhance the love for motherland.

Other Questions:

2. Sudipta Chakraborty: ​What is the future of privatisation of Higher Education in India? Can Privatisation of Higher Education bring Economic balance in India in future?

3. Srinivasa Adipudi: Transformation of current philosophy of nations and states could go a long way in bringing the needed equality in the world? How can this be ensured world over?

4.Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Rajdhar Patil: Please suggest any specific strategy at National Level for educational empowerment of rural girls?

5.Hemlata Talesra​ (Dr. Dahl speech): Very knowledge talk. My question is related to your address - How can we tackle the diversity of ethnic, religious and linguistic groups for sustainability?

6.  Prof. Hemlata Talesra - : Dr. Janak Palta McGilligan Madam your
work is very good for empowering tribal women but on the other side of the picture
is that their husbands spend all their money for drinking cheap liquor. In this
regard are there any practical steps taken by your organization?  

7.  Dinesh Kumar Gogoi: At the grass root level or rural areas what are the methods we should use to develop social cohesion? Because, providing proper education itself is a challenge for them in today's scenario.

8.    Dinesh Chahal: How can development and Social cohesion go hand-in-hand when we are so much involved in materialism?

      Answer by Dr. Pooja Prashant Narwadkar, Principal, New Law College, Sangli :

  Dinesh ji, basically the term social cohesion refers ‘to hold a society together, through universal values, beliefs and action. It is to work together for betterment of society at large, for this we have to have broader perspectives and accept that materialism is not

     answer to any development process.It is necessary to inculcate values, which help to build society which is selfless and work for each other on the basis of values and beliefs. Sometimes the materialistic tendencies may come in way of social cohesion but if we want to develop in fullest sense, we have to awaken ourselves with our broader purpose of life.

     I would illustrate this way- In Constitution of India we all citizens have fundamental rights, also DPSP (Part IV which gives guidelines, for the governance) which provide for a welfare state, which protects and promote development of all citizens collectively. Here if there is a conflict between the FRts and DPSP – judiciary tries to interpret through principle of harmonious construction, to compliment and supplement each other. We need to understand significance of social cohesion over the materialism. Once we accept we would bring it into action. Only thing is realisation from our inner sense is must.

9.  Lia Sheehan: How is development defined in theme 2 and in India?  I’m curious if it carries a similar definition as the one I would attribute to the US, and is it commonly defined throughout the World?

10. Question : Are the government policies helping in reducing economic disparities or they actually create favours for focused communities only?

Answer by: Dr. C.N. Rawal, Principal, The Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Pune 

Thank you for this question, as far as this question is concerned there are two dimensions. If you look through the available data there are around 150 countries data is analysed over a period of 30 years.  And the government spending on education, health care and social protection is more which has reduced the inequality. The second dimension of this question is, it depends largely upon the type of government you have and what type of population or citizens that you have and what is their level of income. In context of India I would like to answer that government of India and our state government has initiated a lot of schemes, government policies and government schemes have been introduced. The objectives of these schemes are different. In some cases the objective of these schemes is to reduce the social disparities and in some cases the objective is to reduce economic disparities.

I will be happy to give you some examples, take example of ‘manerega ‘ is the scheme introduced by Government of India. And it has been continued irrespective of the political parties in power. And if you looked at Manerega current rates they are around 32 rs per hour and if you compare these rates with the companies rates as per the minimum wages act they are a bit on higher side. But in Manerega you don’t get assurance that you will get work for all 365 days. So these are the limitations of this so if, you take an example of the Pradhan Mantri Garib Veema Yojna then almost everyone is covered with a marginal amount and in many cases even if the amount is not paid you are covered under the insurance schemes. And then there are some things basically the Government is supposed to compose and introduce a scheme where in there will be three to four groups. For example there will be a group of children, there will be a group of the college students and there will be a group of the adults and then there will be a group of senior citizens. I will give you some of the examples quickly for children there is an improved day care, free meal is given, enrichment programmes for pre-schools are arranged. After school community activities are introduced and for school internship or apprenticeship is awarded to them. So far colleges are concerned government is supporting capital expenditure as well as government is supporting the granting to the colleges. 

And there are different scholarships are available such as scholarship for students from economically weaker background. Even now the government has introduced the scheme of loans where the liberalized rules and terms as well as conditions are applicable and you will be able to get loan easily. If you look at the adults there are opportunities of re training and acquiring skills as per the requirement of time and technology and market conditions. And then there are schemes which are introduced for the purpose of providing job opportunities, housing and so on. The basic thing is that it is observed and experienced by many countries that the social disparity has decreased in many cases and the economic disparities have increased so naturally it depends upon the type of the Government and the citizenship that you have and how rigorously you are implementing as well as what are the objectives of these government schemes. The Government schemes to large extent help in reducing the economic disparity, I will just give one more example: Let us look at the use of the technology, where Government of India has made use of this for giving subsidy and benefits to citizen directly into the accounts of the beneficiary. Another scheme is the Gas subsidiary is handed over by the well to do people and that amount is used to give connections for the needy and poor people. So all this depends upon the political party which is in power. Their motto, their agenda and how the people are responding. And the most important point is the administrative system which is executing and implementing is transparent, accountable and responsible then definitely we will be able to achieve the objective.

11. Question : How can employable skill development be easily provided to women from low income group, tribal women or women from minority groups?

    Answer by : Dr.A.M. Gurav, Coordinator, Centre for Skill and Enterpreneurship Development, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

        My submission to this question is as following, coming 15th of July is the ‘World Skill Day’  and we have to offer different types of skills, hard skills, soft skills applicable for employability. It is very essential for the development of women in tribal area as well as minority group and low income group. Because they don’t get the opportunity to get these skills and make themselves employable. We are in the era of 4.0 the fourth generation of industrial development so there are good number of opportunities. For getting opportunities and for complex solving we have to think, vertical thinking it is very much essential. Dr. Hirdekar has highlighted very good amount of coordination doing different activities, business development is very essential. In Maharashtra one of the farmers group has started Agriculture equipment bank and it is an outcome of betterment of skills for that particular area and that particular region for the farmers.

        Service orientation is very essential that type of skill as we as ability development. So how to impart different types of skills for betterment of the women for this particular low income group, tribal area as well as minority. There is a deviation has and have not considerable group gap is there and to avoid such a type of a gap and to minimize the gap we have to impart the skills to those who are very needy in low income, tribal as well as minority.      

        Last 33 years I have been teaching profession and taking care of skill development and entrepreneurship activities at Shivaji University Kolhapur. I designed a model for skill development activity, government should invest for the skill development of women from tribal area, minority and low income groups. School and colleges should contribute and Industrialists should also be involved in this skill development activity along with NGOs and individuals. So Government should shoulder 40 % of this responsibility to impart the skills of employability to these women.

        For this purpose rigorous exercise and applied skill development activities will have to be conducted by them. Schools and colleges should be involved and their share should be 20 %. Colleges as well as Universities should start different types of certificate courses, add on courses. And my appeal and request to the authorities as well as policy makers, higher educationists and to you all that there should be 70% practical and 30% theory is required for the development of this concept. In state universities, Deemed Universities, Private universities as well as at autonomous colleges and affiliated colleges and they should conduct a good amount of skill development activities and definitely employability will increase.

        It is my personal experience that in last four years I am was able to impart with the help of 150 trainers 2,53,712 students, got different types of hard as well as soft skills, What Padamashree Dr. Janak madam is doing in a tribal area likewise this is the second alternate. Third one industrialists have to contribute for the betterment of the masses specifically for the women in the tribal area, minority sector. They should offer on the job training and NGO as well as individuals should contribute for this skill development activities, so 40 % government should shoulder, school and colleges 20 %, Industrialists have to shoulder 20% and individuals as well as NGOs have to shoulder 20% with this we will be able to impart good amount of employable skills for the betterment of the women from tribal area, minority and from low income group.            

12. Question :Will the economy crash world over due to this Pandemic or is it going to only create further division of rich and poor?

Answer by : Dr. S.B. Deosarkar, Institute Project Director for TEQIP, World Bank Project, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere

It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of this international conference my sincere thanks to Lesan Azadi and Dr. Mohite for the same. The question given to me I would divide the answer into two section first I will be talking about the economic crash. I strongly believe that the entire world is going through the critical temporary phase of uncertainty, not only economic but in other sectors too. As off today we are experiencing that the entire economy of the world is in an uncertain and vibrant mode. The complete lock down is mounting pressure on the economy, creating further turbulence or damage even to the local economy and of course employment largely. Mainly the service sectors travel, tourism and hotel industry and manufacturing industry received visible vibrations which has created some problems in the economy.

Secondly I am of the opinion that this is the phase of transformational innovation and applied adjacent innovation which we talk perhaps whenever the disruption comes so in this case this kind of transformational innovations which will give birth to market with entirely new requirement and a new market, new services with new business models and formation of new inclusive societies and new institutional establishments which are coming up during this pandemic. The new business domain as seen in the agriculture, food industry, ICT in education, the robotics, drone technology or the industry technologies or many more advance technologies are coming to rescue and support the economy.

On the other hand we are also noticing that there is increase in awareness on cleanliness and hygiene which is very surprising as far as the developing or underdeveloped countries are concerned. The demand for life sciences, health sector, safety management. High awareness about pollution control may be water born, air born or increasing attention on conservation of environmental values and many more areas in every walk of life was not ever seen before in the countries which I have mentioned are underdeveloped or developing countries.

So there is an urgent need to prepare the workforce at the local, state or national level by embedding the proper skill sets through the education and more specifically through the social education to meet the requirements to make the economy stronger.

         The answer to second question whether it is going to create further division between rich and poor my answer to this question is certainly No! There will not be such division of rich and poor. During this crisis situation of COVID-19 which has been beyond the imagination of human mind, while lock down has been a strategy followed by the policy makers to prevent the further spread of disease the world is simultaneously engaged in finding solutions to eliminate it once and for all, including the global society. The pandemic has eliminated the privileges once enjoyed only by economically, socially and politically advantaged. Knowingly or unknowingly the pandemic has brought the world so closer than before for the unique clause of wellbeing of human kind. And the people at the head of the affairs of the state have been voicing for the unity and diversity for the cause of humanity which plays a great role for the social cohesion. As a result of this panic situations many individuals, communities, NGOs, philosophical institutions, the CSR support groups PPe models policy makers are coming together in a large number to shoulder the responsibility at this difficult time to patch the economy. It is very surprisingly observed that in the context of Indian continent we are talking about the brain drain however in this challenging perspective of COVID- 19 if the definition will remain the same or changed into this existing situation into brain gain for the individuals and nations.                

13. Question : How can India's Human Development levels be significantly improved to achieve true inclusive development free from corruption, malpractices, incompetence particularly in the Government sector?

Answer by : Dr. Praveen Chougule,Principal, D.R. Mane Mahavidyalaya, Kagal, Dist. Kolhapur, India

 I feel, there are three dimensions to this question. First one is improvement of India’s human development levels. Second, it is to achieve true inclusive development of the country. Third it should be free from corruption, malpractices, incompetence in the government sector.

1.       Human development levels, This is about HDL. Increasing HDL level is good for the heart disease likewise increasing HDL is good for social and economic health of the nation. It is also called as HDI Human Development indesx, is measured as country’s overall achievement in social and economic dimensions. The dimensions are based on – the health of people – their level of education attainment – and their standard of living

2.       HDL level can be significantly improved by inclusive development of any country. It consists of ensuring that all marginalized and educated groups are stakeholders in the process of development. It means no groups should be excluded from development because of their gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or poverty. It means “ Development of all”

3.       The third dimension is regarding role of Government sector in inclusive growth of a nation. The first thing is Government matters for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth. The Government through it’s public policies in a position of introduced equity and fairness necessary for inclusive approach. The third one is

Policies for inclusive government like

1 Creating and ensuring macro-economic stability

2 Increasing in human capital and physical infrastructure.

3 Improving and strengthening the financial system

4 Facilitating structural transformation from agriculture to manufacturing and from rural to urban  

5 Adopting modern technology and supporting innovation

6 Building strong and effective institutions, is possible through government only.

 However the Challenge is, the governance of the government in public sector should be free from corruption, incompetence and malpractices. There is no silver bullet from fighting corruption. The nation can progress only if there is a good governance. There can be no good governance unless moral values are in calculated in the people. There is no way to but to change the value system, if it is not value based. Corruption and malpractices is a global phenomenon and hence fighting corruption at a global level should be the first priority even at the institutional level.      

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